When we make school healthy workplaces, we all win.
Especially our students.

Our Mission

Mindful Research Icon

Mindful Research is a non-profit dedicated to co-creating schools in which everyone thrives by advancing workplace well-being.

How it Works

How We Make This Happen

We support staff retention & productivity through well-being open-source resources, convenings, and reach.

Open Source Resources

Publishing Open-Source Resources

including a framework for collective well-being, self-paced trainings, and self-assessments for educators

Hosting Convenings


that raise awareness and build skills to increase well-being

Researching Innovative Practices

Implementation & Innovation Research

studying well-being interventions to build a rigorous evidence base and increase shared knowledge of what works in which contexts


Teacher Retention up 10% - Based on a 2 year study of Teacher Retention Rate Over Time for Chicago Public Schools by Collective Well-Being Project Participation
Administrator Retention up 45% - Based on a 2 year study of Principal Retention Rate Over Time for Chicago Public Schools by Collective Well-Being Project Participation

Positive Outcomes

When we prioritize well-being in schools, we see a significant increase in teacher and principal retention.


Framework In Action

We adapted the US Surgeon General’s Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being Framework for Schools.

Surgeon General’s Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being Framework - Collective Well Being Project Framework - Access, Awareness, Agency
Surgeon General’s Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being Framework

Collective Well Being Project Framework

The Collective Well-Being Project Framework illustrates a vision of well-being in schools. The framework is geared to school leaders and it explicitly enhances and complements their goals for their schools.

About Us

We Are Passionate

We are a passionate and diverse group of educators, researchers, and innovators and nationally recognized SEL experts.

Mindful Research Timeline

Over 25+ years in the education & well-being space.

Backed by Research

Our work is evidence-informed and evidence-based, thanks to our 9+ years of partnership with Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago and CASEL SELect.

Cassel SELect Badge
Chapin Hall Logo
Class Catalyst

Class Catalyst

an innovative daily well-being check-in platform, that prioritize students’ voices in a safe space. It allows caring teachers and counselors to respond in real-time to students. In addition, it provides leading SEL practices that give students agency to self-regulate when feeling triggered or upset.

Mindful Practices

Mindful Practices

empowers teachers & students through Social Emotional Learning, yoga, & wellness to create a peaceful focused educational environment.

We’ve developed high-impact daily check-in tools (Class Catalyst) and well-being solutions (Mindful Practices) that support positive outcomes for both students and educators.